Thursday, June 02, 2005

Today feels like it will be a good day.

Partly because I like Thursdays, and partly because I have tomorrow off work, and am going to the seaside with my sister's family, and my step dad.

I used to hate Thursdays and love Fridays when at school. Thursdays were the long drawn out days that held Friday, and thus the weekend, back. Nowadays, the feelings have transposed. Thursdays are no longer the turgid affair they used to be. Thursdays flash past, and this brings Friday (the weekend) closer quicker.

Sadly, Fridays are now so slow at work, that it feels like we're here two days, even though we finish two hours early. The phones hardly ring, all our customers are based in the Middle East. Friday is the Muslim Sabbath, and their only day off in the week.

I haven't yet decided whether to regularly post here. My life is pretty mundane - get up, go to work, come home, have dinner, watch a bit of tv, go to bed. That's Monday to Friday taken care of. The weekends are only different in that I don't go to work, and don't get out of bed until early afternoon. I'm not sure if this is a sign of depression. Someone intimated this could be the case. I countered that as I live on my own, and am male, that I simply cannot be arsed to get up and do housework.

Lazy slob that I am.


Blogger Solarusmoon said...


interesting blog - you should keep it up! :o)


8:25 AM  
Blogger Edwin McBedwin said...

Thanks! I think I will.

2:54 PM  

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